Historic renovation is an art! Why so many terms used when we talk about some of our older homes and buildings? There are some important differences when used on structures that are on the National Register of Historic Places or are Register Eligible. Some of it has to do with eligibility for tax credits and allowable changes that can be made.
A great resource for information is the National Park Service web site. Another is the new Technical Preservation Services website which gives you access to a library of publications, including many that are available at no charge, such as the one we’ve included here… National Parks Services Sustainability Guidelines
It is widely recognized that our history, how we protect it and understand it, shapes who we are and how our children and grandchildren will appreciate what remains when it is their turn to to become the keepers of what we leave them. It doesn’t matter if it’s our constitution or national history or the old home place. It’s all the same.
Every day there are hundreds of old houses going to the landfill. Could they be saved? Is there value in saving them? Not always, but many times they can and should be. Once someone is able to recognize their value, ways to save them can be found.
House Guys LLC commits a significant portion of resources to the restoration of older homes. It is always a joy to preserve a home of historic value, but just as often it simply makes sense to restore and improve an older home that is basically sound and has life left in it. Modern functionality and energy enhancement is the ultimate in “Green”.
Historic structures were built with an attention to detail and craftsmanship. Not everyone dedicated themselves to the research, knowledge and ability to understand and restore the old jewels. House Guys is among those that care enough about saving our heritage to do the careful and correct work using the best materials and methods for enduring restoration. A hundred years is not long enough!
Call Dennis Houk at House Guys for a consultation on your older home.